When i play online after sometimes (10-40 minutes) i crashed regardless of the maps or weapons.
Hi ,
What steps can I take to reproduce this on my end? Does it always occur in game or are you crashing from the main menu? Is it in online play or single player against bots? Are the maps/weapons you are using custom or are they the stock weapons/maps in the game? Do you do anything in particular before the crash occurs (for instance, does it always crash while jumping/sliding/etc)? Can you post your dxdiag here so I can take a look?
It always occur in game. Is it in online play. the stock weapons/maps in the game. My game crashed regardless of jumping, etc.
link text
Can you post your callstack from the crash as well as your crashlogs here? You can find the crashlogs in the filepath Documents\UnrealTournament\Saved\Logs.
Hi ,
Can you delete everything in these two directories and let me know if you still crash:
hey! isnt work.
Hello again ,
The log that you attached here suggests that your client closed successfully (Not crashing) and that you are using custom content. In a previous post you said you are using “stock weapons/maps.”
If you get a chance, can you launch the game and play on the EPIC HUBs and see if you crash. If you do, then please make sure to attach the newest log file from this folder:
It should have a call stack that will help us diagnose the crash for you. It is very important to include the correct log.
I also suggest deleting this folder first:
It will clear out any custom content and old log files that you have.
Thanks again
Hi ,
We have not heard from you in several days. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please comment with the requested information.