The Epic MegaJam Deadline and Live @ Steam Dev Days w/ - Oct 13 - Live from Epic HQ

This stream marks the final hour of the Epic MegaJam and will be closing the submission thread live. is calling in from Steam Dev Days in Seattle with a live report to talk about what he’s seeing there being made in Unreal. We’ll also talk about all the hot news items and community spotlights we’ve needed to catch up on over the past two weeks.

Thursday, October 13th @ 2:00PM ET Countdown]



  • Sr Community Manager - ]()

Feel free to ask any questions on the topic in the thread below, and remember, while we try to give attention to all inquiries, it’s not always possible to answer’s questions as they come up. This is especially true for off-topic requests, as it’s rather likely that we don’t have the appropriate person around to answer. Thanks for understanding!