I have come across a problem that is seems like a either a bug or an oversight. The Texture Quality setting that changes the loaded resolution of textures also changes the heightmap resolution for Landscapes. This effectively changes the topology of the Landscape, drastically so between EPIC and LOW. Though strangely, the collision is still the same regardless of setting.
I tried to change the TEXTUREGROUP_Terrain_Heightmap MinLODSize to 2048 from the default of 1 in DefaultEngine.ini in the hopes that the heightmap topology would stay the same between all Texture Quality settings, while still allowing texture in other TEXTUREGROUPS to be reduced as setup. But there was no change.
There is a AnswerHub entry about it that was entered 10 days ago, but no response yet.
A hack to control the Landscape topology is to set the texture LOD to ) in each of the TextureQuality entries in DefaultScalability.iniā¦ but then you sacrifice the actual ability of changing the TextureQuality settings to reduce memory usage as a feature.
Any assistance on this would be greatly appreciated.