Hello i used Unreal Mapbox Bridge to import heightmap
reference setting and this are the Coordinates for Unreal LandscapeGen Plugin
Mouse Point Lat/Lng:
Lat: 36.98506349078764 Lng: 8.881087546684086
Bounding Box Corners Lat/Lng:
Top Left:
Lat: 37.020098201368114 Lng: 8.7890625
Bottom Left:
Lat: 36.879620605026766 Lng: 8.7890625
Top Right:
Lat: 37.020098201368114 Lng: 8.96484375
Bottom Right:
Lat: 36.879620605026766 Lng: 8.96484375
Lng/Lat Max/Min:
Lng/Lat-Min: 8.78906 , 36.87962 Lng/Lat-Max: 8.96484 , 37.02010
i want to know how i can know the size in UE5 to match it with real world