Hi! I started using version 4.16 a few days ago and noticed that the terrain editor have a few issues I’ve never experienced before.
When I edit the terrain, whether it’s sculpting or painting, as I release the mouse button the editor freezes for about 3-6 seconds until it resumes.
There’s also a slight issue where the target layer list gets cut off for some reason,
I switched back to 4.15.3 and I have none of theses issues when working with that version.
Here are my specs:
Win 7 64-bit
16 GB Ram
AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 3.50 GHz
Radeon RX 460 Graphics Card
I have a SATA hard drive, no SSD here.
EDIT: It should be noted that this was tested with a converted project from 4.15.3.