Taken class names

By mistake during development (ue5) I used ActorComponent instead of the SceneComponent I needed; excluded it from the project, when trying to create a SceneComponent with the same name, I received a message that such a name is already taken, is it possible to somehow “clean up” the library of used class names? Thanks in advance.

Where do you get this error? In Visual Studio or in unreal’s blueprint system?
It’s not entirely clear especially what you mean by

I am guessing.
If C++ is not redefining a class by double name, but Unreal is still seeing a C++ class which does not exist anymore, then Unreal needs a Core Redirect.

Core Redirects | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation

Core Redirects | Unreal Engine Community Wiki


By “excluded” I meant deleting unnecessary files from the project directory, however, as I understand it, unreal engine is not limited to .h and .cpp files when creating a class through the unreal engine system (tool → create new cpp class): some information about user classes are stored in json, possibly somewhere else, and when creating a class with an identical name, unreal refers to theese files, that is, it is not enough to exclude .h and .cpp files from the project to entirely delete user defined class, so: the question is which files are changing and / or appearing during the creation process of custom cpp class (except .h and .cpp in source) and where exactly to look for them? P.S. thanks for the information about Core Redirect - was also one of my unresolved issues.

Never used this but there are a few directories in the root directory of your project you can safely delete and rebuild:

  1. Close the project.
  2. Delete Binaries, DerivedDataCache, Intermediate.
  3. Right click the uproject file and click Generate Visual Studio Project Files.
  4. Open the generated .sln file in visual studio and rebuild the project.
  5. Start the project.

If the error remains the only places I could think of are a config file in the folders Config or Saved, or in a blueprint file itself. If all fails you could still try to use the Core Redirect system to notify an existing class has been removed.


Thank you so much! It helped me a lot and saved a lot of time in working with future projects!