Synchronize Anim_BP with Character_BP

Hey y’all!
So basically I’ve had this system for my character for quite a while, where I would have a “State machine” that would be linked with Enums to the corresponding Anim_BP.
That way I could declare e.g. that my character could not move left or right whilst in a specific state (in that animation), that my character would have a ‘bending knees’ animation before the actual jump animation in which the player couldn’t move, that my character_bp could line trace if there is a wall in front of it so this or that animation would be played etc.

Even though that system was incredibly helpful, it wasn’t really well thought out and I had a huge variety of bugs. So I would like to have some ideas of you!
Ideas about what kind of a system I could create, that would be similar to the one I mentioned. So a system where you can basically control what the Player could do while the Character was in a specific animation.

I’d really appreciate any kind of help! :slight_smile:

Animations State Machine != Controller State Machine

I would say you need to split up your state machine depending on the different gameplay state your player can be in, regardless of the animations needed at that time.

And then the controller state machine inputs the anim state machine.