Sorry for lots of saying Baked but i nearly go crazy because of that unknown .
How to solve that issue ? is it possible or have to use moveable lights , witout taking bake ?
my english isn’t good but let me explain my aim :
I want user to create wherever he want to create on map and when it is daytime , lights should be turn off and when it is night lights which belongs to house should be turn on and it has to be baked because of FPS rate . i don’t want to use moveable light much or middle option in unreal engine and layers working well if lights belong to world but on my situation lights belong to buildings and user can create them wherever they want to .
so basicly my question is , is it possible lights to bake on meshes and can i turn them on and off on their situations ?
like in photo ,
daytime = turn off
night = turn on
if destroyed while night = turned off
As far als I know - No it is Not possible. Light Baking can’t be done in a packaged Game or runtime. You could Go with movable Lights and disable shadows - this will Recovery your framerate. You can Set for Static and dynamic shadows in the light settings. The First one should be quite cheap and mit influence your fps much. If you have Static Lights you can use Light-scenarios, but If you want your Player to create Lights where He wants, this will not Work with lighting scenarios
sorry maybe somebody else has an idea, but I guess it is simply not possible. maybe have a look at emissive materials, you need to activate in a static mesh that it is affected by emissive - maybe this saves you with FPS drop. If it is not completly random where your player spawns a light you can maybe go with stationary lights…their brightness can be controlled during gameplay without the need of rebaking
i will check stationary then what about emissive ? i mean what if i dont change it to light , just emissive map but high values on material editor menu . is it effect much like light or even changing emissive forexample 10.0 to 500.0 , is affect to fps ? any number increasing
not sure if I understand you. you can use emissive as a light. you need to set it in material editor from lit to unlit, take a color multiply it by eg 20 and feed that into emissive. how it affects fps and if it is more expensive than a movable light with shadows disabled, I can’t tell you, you need to check it in your project.