Hi there. I’m currently trying to make a pickup system for changing weapons during gameplay, so when the player interacts with the pickup, it should change the pawn into the correct type of character and delete the pickup (the weapons are their own character BPs). I imagine it is something similar to what i have here, but from playing around with the nodes, I can’t seem to find a way of making it work properly.
Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks!
Generally changing whole character when pick up weapon is not good idea and creating a lot of problems later. You can just change character skeletal mesh for example, but better is just add weapon to character.
Anyway, you have on picture Timeline not coded and not connected and generally this is nothing what can work and nobody will create solution for you for this way you planed.
How to posses characters in game you have explained here https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Gameplay/HowTo/PossessPawns/Blueprints/
You need to know how to pickup objects first, you have simple example here https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Videos/PLZlv_N0_O1gZalvQWYs8sc7RP_-8eSr3i/
this is good start.