Stuttering Attached Skeletal Mesh Position

Hi, all!

This video should illustrate the issue better than words could: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

I have a character and attached to it are different SKMs with the same skeleton that use the character’s mesh as leader pose component - gloves, pants, chest armor, etc. The gloves’ position noticeably stutter, very slightly clipping within the hands several times per second, but only when I move my character’s position. Not during the idle animation (or other animations, I’ve tested), as you might have noticed in the video, only during actual translation.

This issue becomes more noticeable the lower the framerate. At 120FPS the issue doesn’t happen at all, but if the game goes any lower than that, it shows itself.

I’ve made several attempts at fixing this, including setting the ‘tick group’ for my attached meshes to all 4 options, and none of them fixed it.

Any suggestions?