Strange Baked Shadow?

In the image, just below where I show in red, it is darker. It looks like there is some kind of shadow being baked here. Like from an invisible plane. The beige walls are all one mesh and the brown doors are there own mesh. I have light map res at 2048 on the walls.

Not sure why this is. Could it be something with the lightmass importance volume or my global post process volume?


Could be something to do with AO?

Ok. I have found what is happening, sort of. When I start my cinematic, for a split second look what shows up in the drive way. It is the landscape. The landscape in this area then disappears almost instantly but the shadow is there. The landscape mesh in this area does not show up in game as well.

Then it goes to this…

Here you can see the landscape is under the driveway.

From top ortho view it looks like this. But As I zoom in the landscape at the road and the driveway disappears.

Any ideas?

It seems to be a function of the LOD of the landscape mesh. When I zoom in you can see the quads of the mesh get smaller. And right at the location in the driveway there is a point where you can see the landscape. I guess the LOD is effecting the mesh as it get redrawn. Any way I can change this?
