Still, Massive judder in the RIFT

Greetings, all. i saw the previous posts about changing the AA Method to none, etc…ive done that. The judder when you look or pan in the Rift is still way too intense. I just downloaded UE4 today, so im still getting the lay of the land. Does anyone know if there is something else i can do to decrease the judder, because otherwise its just not useable, in its current state. Thanks.

Are you using twin gfx cards as I heard that is not good.
Maybe its what they refer to as persistence, which they have solved in the DK2.

I doubt they would release something that terrible, so check if someone else gets the same thing on the same scene, then you will know.

Hey…thx for responding. Although the DK2 Rift will have low persistance, I’m pretty sure it’s not about that. (I ordered the DK2, can’t wait for July) My DK1 rift works quite well in Unity, and many demos from Oculus Share…But there seems to be ALOT of judder in UE4. Apparently setting the “AA Method” to none is supposed to help, but unless I’ve missed something, it’s not working for me. I have a pretty powerful gaming computer, 1 video card (GTX 680). No problems with the Rift, except in UE3.

I belive this may be related to some post process effects. If you check the content example there is a VR scene that has the post process’s setup for the rift. Another good one to check is the new realistic lighting example, this scene uses the level blueprint to check if a rift is connected and if it is will activate a VR specific post process volume. I would try the realistic scene first and see if you can take that VR post process volume into your own scene, I hope that helps, it helped for me.

Are you running your game in the Rift with the editor still open in the background? If so then its eating up a lot of your GPU, causing the jittering.

So try to either close down the editor, or turn off the realtime viewport updates.

Yep what SiggiG said is correct that will also effect your performance/jittering. I found that I if I did a compile of my project I would see a noticable performance boost, feels a lot cleaner (if that makes sense) that way there is no need to have the editor open at the same time.

Thank you, to everybody who responded to my post. I downloaded the realistic lighting apartment scene, and you were right! The judder, is way more under control in this scene. Although the oculus rift integration isn’t perfect yet, that apartment scene looks great. I think the problem was that I was looking at the default scene, with a huge sky box and a very large render area. I will continue to experiment with this, and try some of the suggestions about compiling the project and turning off the realtime viewport updates, etc…thanks again for your help. Much appreciated! :slight_smile:

No worries, glad it helped.

Great work folks! Glad to hear that the judder was fixed for you!

I was getting the judder with the default scene as well (with two chairs and a table with skydome), but since version 4.1 came out it runs smoothly. Have you tried it again?

VR First Person Project Template

I was having the same issue. Everything was causing jutter no matter how simple the level was. I found this and the project runs flawless on my dk2. I’m not sure how he did it but there is a lot of stuff in here that will help you get yours and hopefully my VR project started.