Sporadic/Horrible Network Lag - Can't figure out why

Hi all,

We’re a MOBA set up using Gamelift and AWS. Everything up until about a month ago was fine, but now, we’re getting horrendous lag that sometimes goes away, most of the times doesn’t, shortly into our game. We’ve tried different champion setups, no items, not doing certain interactions, etc. and we can’t seem to nail it down. Our test today it happened every single game a few minutes in, while last week, it happened every other game or so. We’re morons when it comes to stuff like network profiler and all we’ve found in the game log is this:

[2020.03.11-19.49.10:636][906]LogCharacterMovement: Warning: GetSimulationTimeStep() - Max iterations 8 hit while remaining time 0.099570 > MaxSimulationTimeStep (0.050) for ‘Ink_ChampionBP_C_12’, movement ‘Walking’

[2020.03.11-19.42.48:606] 69]LogNet: Warning: UNetConnection::ReceivedPacket - Too many received packets to ack (256) since last sent packet. InSeq: 3416 [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_1, Driver: GameNetDriver IpNetDriver_1, IsServer: YES, PC: Divine_PlayerController_BP_C_1, Owner: Divine_PlayerController_BP_C_1, UniqueId: Steam:076561198039631671 NextOutGoingSeq: 10786
[2020.03.11-19.42.48:608] 69]LogNet: Warning: UNetConnection::ReceivedPacket - Too many received packets to ack (256) since last sent packet. InSeq: 15632 [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_4, Driver: GameNetDriver IpNetDriver_1, IsServer: YES, PC: Divine_PlayerController_BP_C_4, Owner: Divine_PlayerController_BP_C_4, UniqueId: Steam:076561198056506534 NextOutGoingSeq: 10068

So our guess is we’re sending too much to the Network and it’s stopped receiving, but how do we find out why? Here’s a google drive of our Net Profiler if anyone can take a look, but we’re also open to other ideas on how to debug this and figure out exactly what is going on. FullNetworkLog.nprof - Google Drive

Any ideas? Will literally pay someone if it means figuring this out.


Here’s what we came up with in Net Profiler. I assume ServerMoveNoBase is a huge problem?

Did you manage to solve this? Make sure your movement RPCs are not set to reliable

The first line in your log suggests that its a gamelogic lag. That warning comes if too much time was spent on a frame. I’d profile the FPS first, that could be the origin of the problem.
ServerMoveNoBase is sent very frequently, but its a 27 byte message. The whole session you recorded, it used 319 kb of network, really nothing to worry about. And it is meant to be sent frequently.