SphereReflectionCapture doesn't always work

So I ran into this problem with my VRJam entry at the last minute and could not figure out a solution. There seems to be a bug where the SphereReflectionCapture stops contributing to my metallic textures and I’m not sure why. It happens on the Gear VR and in the editor both (and yes, it looked fine on the Gear VR before not just the editor). It happened in one fresh map & project but not in another fresh map & project. I was able to copy the working actor to the nonworking scene and the copy/pasted one worked.

On my existing scene where it had been working fine, I added some more scenery and at some point the effect disappeared. I have tried replacing it multiple times and repeatedly clicking on the “Recapture scene” button to no avail.

I have not tested on 4.8 yet.

Here’s what it is supposed to look like (ignoring the seam in the texture and the shadows are irrelevant)


Here’s what it looks like now.


Hi jstarrdewar -

Can you tell if the non-working level has a sky light placed in it? Typically the Sphere Reflection Capture Actors simulate better reflections with a sky light in the level.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Hi Eric,

Tried adding a Skylight. Had no effect.


Adding a cubemap to the Skylight does help — also, in addition to the missing reflection, the built lighting does not provide any bounce light like it should be (I do have a lightmass importance volume in place). I tried setting up a new scene to show you the problem, but this time it worked fine.

Unfortunately the cubemap in the skylight disappears on the phone so that isn’t a viable workaround.

Hi -

My apologies I saw VR and did not pay attention to the GEAR part. Since the GEAR VR uses a Samsung Galaxy Note 4, you are actually rendering in OpenGL ES2 which does lose a lot of the Physically Based Elements that you will see in the editor in SM5 (Direct X 11). The only way around that currently is to use an old school reflection technique and apply the reflection to the material itself:

Hold on — it DID work on the Gear VR. I saw it with my own eyes! The problem is that it stopped working without me changing the basic setup.

I have implemented a more complicated version of the setup above in an unlit texture in the meantime, which does give me a performance improvement at least.

What are your Post Process Settings and Material Setup for your cannon?

Thank You

Eric Ketchum