Spawned character to inherit destroyed characters movement path

Is there a way to get a character to inherit the movement path, based on the projected path of a destroyed actor?

My controller bp controls my character, which has the ability to swap characters (abilities, meshes, weaknesses etc) at any point, however when the swap happens, if the chatacter is moving in any way, specifically when jumping, i can not get the newly possessed character to follow the destroyed characters movement path, so it looks quite choppy.

Any thoughts on how i could address this?

  • apply transform
  • apply control rotation to the player controller
  • apply velocity to the movement component

I got this:

The only kink seems to be the animation, this would need to be worked in. Apart from that the transition seems OK-ish. Do note that I destroy, respawn and repossess the character. It should be even easier if you just swap meshes around.

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