I have problem with correct spawning emitter for bullet trail. I have emitter sample from Shooter Game and I’m trying to use it with blueprint. Emitter is located it right place, muzzle attachment, slot etc but with bad direction. But direction I have always from spawn point to map center 0,0,0.
I tried many ways, with Spawn Emitter or Add Particle System Component - always result is bad, direction is to 0,0,0.
In my sample, bullet direction is good, because it going right way, when I use this direction on particle - error. Other way, I tried find direction from two points with Find Look at Rotation from muzzle slot to hit point and result is same wrong.
Are you using line traces to get the hit location? When the line trace hit a BSP or doesn’t hit anything at all it gives out the location 0,0,0. May I see your blueprint setup if possible?
Yes, I’m using trace for impact point, also I tried just ball or weapon or socket direction. It working with other effects, like a muzzle, but with trails I have problem. Every way it looks (in game) like it starts from correct place (muzzle point) but directed is always to map center: x0,y0,z0.