Hello, i found a weird problem with sound concurrency when i try to use “stop farthest then oldest”, i am trying to make replicating sound actor, and then i am walking around and spawning sounds, after few of sounds(max of 3), it does prevent spawning new ones (acting like prevent new) but it doesn’t just prevent the spawning new one, it just destroys the lastly spawned sound!
It happens only when sounds are far from each other, or when i just spawn them quickly while walking, if i stay on place it doesn’t bug, it does works fine with single player, problem happens only on multiplayer.
i checked other methods, and they work fine as intended(prevent new/stop oldest/stop farthest then prevent new)
those are functioning good, can someone explain why does this happens?
P.S. i just checked, it does spawn audio with null reference(sound is playing), so i cannot access it even with a delay, because initial reference was null, should i just skip that concurrency method? Yet it is the most needed one, i think something is broken here…
Btw more details, the problem is server side, so actually i spawn sound first on server, then multicast on clients(except server), so it is the server’s sound gets a null reference on spawn, even if i use multicast for everyone(including server) server gets null reference at spawning, why this does happen?