I’ve been following along with Epic’s “Intro to Blueprints” series and haven’t had any trouble until now. I am currently on tutorial #9 (linked here).
My problems start at about 12 mins into the video. When the instructor selects the geometry, box trigger, and point light to create a new blueprint, the following happens:
The geometry in the level moves off to the side and down the y-axis (clipping through the floor). I also do not show the “CollisionComp” component in my new BP (all the other items are present, however).
Fast forward to 14:22, and the instructor gets an error message (“One or more blueprints has an unresolved compiler error…”). I did not receive this error.
Fast forward again to 16:20, the instructor is able to drag a geometric blueprint into the map. He makes some copies and plays to demonstrate that everything works. For me, only the bush and light blueprints work. When I drag the “LittleHouse_BP” into the map, all that seems to drop in is a box volume. None of the walls nor the doorway drop in.
I am unsure where I went wrong as I have been following this pretty closely. I have noticed that some contextual menu/interface items are different on my version - I’m assuming that’s because I’m working on a newer version of Unreal than the one they’re using in the video.
Anyway, all help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.