Some slight issues within the Intro to Blueprints series

Hi all,

I’ve been following along with Epic’s “Intro to Blueprints” series and haven’t had any trouble until now. I am currently on tutorial #9 (linked here).

My problems start at about 12 mins into the video. When the instructor selects the geometry, box trigger, and point light to create a new blueprint, the following happens:

The geometry in the level moves off to the side and down the y-axis (clipping through the floor). I also do not show the “CollisionComp” component in my new BP (all the other items are present, however).

Fast forward to 14:22, and the instructor gets an error message (“One or more blueprints has an unresolved compiler error…”). I did not receive this error.

Fast forward again to 16:20, the instructor is able to drag a geometric blueprint into the map. He makes some copies and plays to demonstrate that everything works. For me, only the bush and light blueprints work. When I drag the “LittleHouse_BP” into the map, all that seems to drop in is a box volume. None of the walls nor the doorway drop in.

I am unsure where I went wrong as I have been following this pretty closely. I have noticed that some contextual menu/interface items are different on my version - I’m assuming that’s because I’m working on a newer version of Unreal than the one they’re using in the video.

Anyway, all help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

I’m assuming you have the latest version of the editor.

The first error you talk about ( everything moving ), sounds like you made a slip with the mouse actually.

In any event, the way to ‘get a blueprint’ with the latest engine would be:

Blueprints -> Convert selection to blueprint class -> Harvest components

This was the key! Thank you!