Hello community, I would like to get a hand of help for my problem, so I’ll start:
Let’s suppose I have 10.000 assets of Texture2D Type, and I included them all in an Object Library called icons
Then I have defined a USTRUCT that have data like :

Then the problems comes that in my actual imported Datatable with that UStruct ., I would have the actual data stored in following format.

So when I import the file as a datatable in UE4, I need that string of format [Package.AssetName] to be transformed in Texture2D Found in that Object library?
I am not sure if that make sense…
But anyway I imagine it like this, that inside the USTRUCT derived from FTableRowBase there would be some sort of a constructor method, that would parse the data entries that I need in some kind of [Package.Asset] Format, and later on I could Search in the ObjectLibrary and assign to the icons array UTexture2D that was found in that object Library.
Am I on the correct path guys? Thanks a lot!
Assets strings are stored in strings in form of path, the same one which is copy when you click “Copy Reference”, this is what is used in ini config and data table importing. to get it in C++ call GetPathName:
And then you can get object using either soft object pointers:
or direcly from asset regestry
Thanks man for the info, but I believe I explained it not really well or I didn’t understand your response, so what if I NEED to store the the asset name in my NOT in the following form :
But as
MFighter.blue_Cube << Like this.
And when I import my as datatable and choose my UStruct from the dropdown I would like to convert
This MFighter.blue_Cube into this Texture2D’/LN/Characters/PC/Human/MFighter/Textures/blue_Cube.blue_Cube’
where MFighter is the name of an Object Library that contains all this textures inside
Does this make sense? Is that possible?