I would like to know how to create a smooth, 30-60fps loading screen, rather than the screen with very spiky fps when following loading screen tutorials on youtube (atleast the ones I’ve seen). I would like to achieve this effect as I would like to make my game feel much smoother, with fade animations and smooth music and tooltips and the such while the game is loading a new map.
Any ideas on how to do this? Thanks in advance for the help!
Just some ideas. I’ve never done it myself, so not sure if they’re needed or will work or not:
- Use level streaming, rather than Open Level. There’s a Persistent Level and you can load other levels into it. Then you can break a large level up into smaller pieces and stream them in and out as needed.
- You may have to get into some advanced stuff like Soft Object References and C++ … not sure.
One thing to do for sure though is to optimize your Blueprints and everything else so that you don’t create unnecessary dependencies. It is very easy to have one thing refer to another which refers to another, etc. so that by loading the first one, you end up loading everything else in your game, whether the current level even uses it or not. Eliminate that problem to reduce loading times in general, and “freezing” that occurs when loading levels.
To eliminate some of these references you have to structure your variables and your programming differently to de-couple them. More specific advice will need more specific questions.
There is a console command to cap the framerate.
"t.MaxFPS 30
Stick that in the BP node:
Easy peazy.
Thank you! These are definitely the options I should consider. I experimented with level streaming and found that was the best option