Skating game mode

Has anyone ever considered organizing a game mode within Fortnite to replicate and surpass the TonyHawk skate series

The classics thru thug & thaw are no longer liscensed the attempts made to replicate it in the Remasters are stand alone titles that take risks without anything to fall on that have failed consistently.

I believe starting a production and allowing people to get involved would be a good move to add another media gametype
That has been failed consistently.

If devs and supporting individuals can pull it off then it would be a big game platform that can grab more profit

I personally feel like there isn’t enough game types to play.
From royals and a discontinued STW
To creatives duplications that are just cold copies of one another

The only stand alone types are racing and Lego

As of right now, no, as UEFN is rather limited in terms of things you can make and import.