Simple TILING ?

How do I set up simple tiling of an image I have loaded into the content browser ?

I see no tiling nodes… and I can’t seem to figure out how to use the “scalar parameter” node so it tiles my image…

IF that’s the right node, what do I connect it to?

Use the TextureCoordinate node in your material, you plug it into the texture map UV’s node and you can set the tiling settings.

Add a multiply - connect the texture coord + the param to it - connect the multiply with the uv from the texture -> now you can control it in a bp or material instance

Just answered my own question

for anyone else wondering… you add or edit the TextureCoordinate node then link it to the UV node…

ETA… !

opps… thanks guys !

figured it out as I waited.

pretty neat way of doing it…

you can control many nodes with the parent node…

NOW>. I am importing a group mesh from Maya…

as an FBX… a building… with walls, floors… poles… windows… etc etc…

but instead of importing each piece as a separate model… then repositioning them all again…

how might I import the group without “merging” it all into one object so I can begin applying materials to each piece inside UE4 ?

Just disable “combine meshes” -> then they will be imported separately with just one click :slight_smile: But you will have to put them together in the ue4.

that’s what I feared !