Hello, I have taught myself the basic’s of Unreal engine 4 for the past week or so using tutorials on youtube, help from this site, and just plain ol’ tinkering. However, there is one thing that I have been trying to learn, but it’s been really kicking my butt and is super intimidating because I just can’t grasp how to use it properly.
Replication. Network replication.
I decided to try something extremely simple to tinker with replication with a goal. I made my project “Dodgeball”. I am using two players and am trying to replicate a few different things that… Haven’t worked out so far.
- I want both players to see each other holding the ball. I want the ball on the ground to disappear when one player picks it up.
1a. Currently, the ball is not being properly updated between clients/server. It’s as if pressing the “Use” key, is not being replicated to everyone else to pick up the ball. Afterward, clients can not see the ball in each others possession as the owner does.
2 I want the ball’s movements to be correctly updated between all clients so everyone is on the same page. This has been a issue outside of using the engines dedicated server.
2a. This is from my lack of knowledge on how any of this works. Don’t get me wrong, I understand what replication means and how to activate it, but I don’t know how to correctly set it up (Does this movement need replicated from this component, or a different BP all-together? Does this need to be only relevant to owner or not? Should I NetLoad this?). It’s not that I haven’t watched tutorials on it, it’s just I don’t get it (A lot like how difficult subjects were in school). Which is why I’m here. Also, it seem’s like the location of the trigger box to pick up the ball isn’t being updated correctly either.
I know this is a difficult subject of the engine to help someone understand (especially myself as I know) but if someone could please show me the right direction I should go in order to accomplish my “very simple” project I would be incredibly grateful.
To sum it up, I want both players to see everything simultaneously, and have the gameworld update for each of them accordingly to what happens in the world. I will be adding hit detection and score should a player be hit with a thrown ball (assuming I understand any help given on the topic). I would love if someone could show me how to set up the replication for my goals properly, and I HOPE from that, I will be able to learn and “Replicate” it to future projects.
Sorry for the wall of text. Here’s my project with editor. (The settings of replications are currently from tinkering.)