Simple move to actor/location keeps crashing unreal


Every time I run this either on move to actor or move to location it completely crashes unreal and I have to re open it and I can’t for the life of me figure out why. (using unreal 4.2)

check validity, or add a break point at move to location and see what the values are you input into it.

I did but I don’t get this

its firing both true and false at the same time? Even if I go to the next node it still does both

Here is my level blueprint

I presume you’re calling this node on an AI controller, right? If so I would check if you have a NAVMeshBounds volume placed in your level. Also see this thread on answers hub discussing the same issue - the recommendation there was to upgrade to the latest version and check.

I’m not sure about the true/false anomaly in your screenshot. Looks like your logic flips the boolean flag when the “1 key” is pressed so I suspect the second highlight is a ghost line from the current or previous frame.