Simple Animation Conundrum

Yeah I was wondering if my solution would end up causing problems down the road, seems it will so I will try and redo it with IsValid instead of branch in the animation BP. I’ve been going over the video again, you know this part;


I understand that IsValid is checking to see if your skelmeshBP exists and if so it sets a value. You’re using the cast so you can find those 2 booleans and GET them which you can then use to SET.

Will have another stab at it tonight. Thanks.

Ok, now using isvalid? and it’s working. When it starts, NPC is playing static animation, if I go close it plays anim_1 and if I go away again it goes back to static animation. So this is of course fantastic but I still feel something behind the scenes is wrong. As you can see in the animation_bp, when it set’s ‘B’ I have a print string that says ‘B set’. This B set is CONSTANTLY repeated in debug when in or outside the sphere.

Based on what you’ve been telling me and watching the video, I think all that is happening is that in the anim_BP it says 'Yes, Sickhuman BP is Valid so set B and print “B set” and it just keeps repeating this. My ‘Get A’ in that BP isn’t actually doing anything.

Yeah, that’s correct, and is normal, your setup is correct on there. The animation blueprint constantly updates.

Though, don’t worry too much about the fact that it does. The animation blueprint can be way more complex and still it’ll be just fine.

As an example, in my game project, my player anim blueprint is much more complex with loads of variables to deal with and so are my enemy anim blueprints and I spawn 30 - 40 enemies all at once on screen with no problem. Animation processing is not having any real impact on there. It’s likely you run into some other limitations way before animation blueprint, unless you do something “bad” in there. Animation blueprint is mostly about collecting numbers or information from other places and so the processing there should be fairly light weight. The real processing happens elsewhere, in your character blueprints, or other actor blueprints and there, you control it so it’s as efficient as possible. Also, animation only updates while on screen, by default.

I do need to figure out a solution, it just keeps saying the same thing in debug and if I activate another print string it only shows for a split second before being drowned out in ‘B set’. I know it’s to do with the NOT link back to the static anim. I thought the way I had it set up would work but nope, will have another bash at it tonight.

If you want, you can post your blueprints, or send to me. But I don’t know what you’re having problems with.

The “B Set” keeps printing because that sequence keeps updating… this is normal… there’s nothing wrong there. If you don’t want that to print, then take out that print node. If for some other reason you think there’s something wrong, I don’t know what it is, if you’re doing something somewhere else you did not post any shots of.

No worries it’s fine. I’ve just been use to print string instructions only appearing once (making it clear what’s happening), it makes sense to me why it keeps repeating. I guess that’s just expected so for this particular case I don’t need a print string debug message to say if it worked or not because the animation changing is enough to communicate that to me.

I have what I need for now and this will be a great reference if I try and expand on it. Thanks!