Simple 4x style, how to pass variables from multiple blueprint actor tiles to central tally?

It’s a pretty simple setup, I’m just running into a stumbling block at how to get the lines of communication working here.

I have a basic blueprint actor class that’s used for the tiles. Each tile is meant to produce yay many of a given resource per turn. I would like when a turn is ended for all of the tiles to be able to pass their values to a global tally. I would have thought the easiest way to do this would be make my global tallies public variables and let each individual tile instance add to it when an end of turn event occurs. This does not seem to be working though, even if make the variables public in the level blueprint my tile blueprint can’t find them.

What should be the easiest way to get this working?

Put the variables into the gameinstance then cast to it from youre tile blueprint.

Also if you post screenshots of youre current setup etc it helps us to help you as sometimes it can be silly little things that causes stuff not to work but without seeing its a lot harder to help thanks

I hadn’t even heard of that feature but it was exactly what I was looking for. I did have an initial problem wherin only one, seemingly random, tile would get its production values added to the global store but then I tried making a loop to make sure that each tile was going one by one with it and now everything’s working.