Should I store my DataTableRows in a Map for quicker access?

Should I store my DataTableRows in a Map for quicker access? I’m using a map which is really fast. When using FindRow I would think it would need to read line by line to find your row with the ID you want. This could be slow.

Here is some example code

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#include "MovementActorComponent.h"

TMap<FName, FMovementDataTableRow*> UMovementActorComponent::MovementDatas;

//Called When Component Is Added To Actor
 PrimaryComponentTick.bCanEverTick = true;

// Called when the game starts
void UMovementActorComponent::BeginPlay()

 if (MovementDataTable != nullptr && !UMovementActorComponent::MovementDatas.Contains(MovementDataTableID))
  FMovementDataTableRow* Data = MovementDataTable->FindRow<FMovementDataTableRow>(MovementDataTableID, "MOVEMENTDATA", false);
  UMovementActorComponent::MovementDatas.Add(MovementDataTableID, Data);

// Called every frame
void UMovementActorComponent::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction* ThisTickFunction)