[Shipping Pack Error] Missing precompiled manifest for 'SourceControl'

Hi, I recently immigrate my project from 5.0.3 to 5.2.1.
However when I tried to package for shipping, that error always comes out and failed to packaging.

I have known thats because of the “Source Contol” thing, but still don’t know how to solve it.

If you have encountered same or similar problem, please let me know.

Having the same issue on 5.3.
I’ve included PrecompileForTargets = PrecompileTargetsType.Any; in SourceControl.Build.cs, but I don’t know how to force the unreal build tool to produce the precompiled file as part of the packaging.

By default (in 5.3) SourceControl.Build.cs does

if (Target.Configuration != UnrealTargetConfiguration.Shipping)
    PrecompileForTargets = PrecompileTargetsType.Any;

to explicitly exclude it from shipping the shipping configuration (which makes sense). I don’t understand why a shipping build would require SourceControl in general.

Did you manage to fix it and produce a shipping package by any chance or could anyone else hint me towards producing the precompiled file for SourceControl? Thanks!

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I had the same Problem and this is what i did: in the ProjectName.uproject, under Modules → AdditionalDependencies I had an entry for SourceControl (no Idea how it got there). Deleting that fixed the Problem for me