Shield Tegra K1: "Android_GL4TargetPlatform" is missing


I tried to enable support for “Android GL4” target platform (uncommenting code in “Engine/Source/Developer/DesktopPlatform/Private/PlatformInfo.cpp” and “Engine/Source/Programs/UnrealBuildTool/Android/UEBuildAndroid.cs”) but when I run “GenerateProjectFiles.bat” it ends with an error:

Setting up Unreal Engine 4 project files...
Binding IntelliSense data... 71%
ERROR: Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of UnrealFrontend
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of AutomationController
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of AutomationMessages
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of Core
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of WindowsTargetPlatform
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of CoreUObject
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of Projects
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of Json
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of WindowsNoEditorTargetPlatform
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of TargetPlatform
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of DesktopPlatform
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of WindowsServerTargetPlatform
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of WindowsClientTargetPlatform
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of ShaderFormatD3D
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of ShaderCore
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of RHI
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of ShaderFormatOpenGL
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of ShaderCompilerCommon
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of AndroidTargetPlatform
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of AndroidDeviceDetection
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of Android_PVRTCTargetPlatform
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of Android_ATCTargetPlatform
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of Android_DXTTargetPlatform
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of Android_ETC1TargetPlatform
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of Android_ETC2TargetPlatform
ERROR: Couldn't find module rules file for module 'Android_GL4TargetPlatform'.
GenerateProjectFiles ERROR: UnrealBuildTool was unable to generate project files

Similar modules are in “Engine\Source\Developer\Android”; anyone have info about the missing “Android_GL4TargetPlatform” module?

Looks like you need to install some more stuff from nvidia. I would love to know if that GL4 is possible currently, just for testing what can be done there.

Would be nice if someone at Epic or Nvidia could give some insight on this stuff. Other “Android_*TargetPlatform” classes are simple but clearly are “platform dependent”.

Hi Kafu. Forgive me if this seems an obvious answer, but have you updated to the most recent Tegra Android Development Pack? It looks like they had a fairly recent update from this past Nov.

It seems a missing file from the UE4 source tree.

Can you elaborate? Has your problem been corrected?