Setting a parameter in existing material node.

Hello, first let me explain what I’m trying to do. My goal is to have multiple UV sets for assets, which seems to work fine. Then randomly pick one on spawn.

I found that the “TexCoord” node allows me to select a UV set, which works great. But I’m not sure how to adjusted this “Coordinate Index” through blueprints.


You cant directly get that parameter in blueprints, but you can do this:


When the parameter is 0 it selects the one with coordinate index 0, and when it’s 1 it’s selects the other one.

O_o that is… smart!

Thanks for the quick reply. Though this seems to work great if there is only 2 uv sets. But I need an option for more than two. o.O

You can add more by adding another Lerp after that one > plug the first Lerp to A and the new Text Coord. to B, and a new parameter for the new Lerp alpha. Continue the same Lerp branching if you need more than 3.

I see, This will get confusing and messy quick. Seems doable though.