Session Fronted - Slate / OnPaint


I am developing a project to my class and I was having some performance problems.
I went to the Session Fronted Window to see where was my bottle neck, and I founded out that I had a Slate / OnPaint object that was making my frame rate drop during the game progress.
I look again at my Widgets creation and saw that I did a mistake and was creating the same widget every time a player achieve to sum points.

When I fixed that problem, I noticed that my Slate/ OnPaint was still dropping my frame rate proportionally to the game duration, but this time without making the frame rate bellow 50 fps. Not really a problem.

I created a Blueprint Side Scrolling project, the same that I used as base to mine, and noticed that in this project (without modifications), the same problem happens. The longer I play, the higher will be the OnPaint cost.
I don’t know if this is a problem that comes with using Session Fronted to debug or it is just a natural behavior of the engine. But it let me curious why there would be a 2200 (average) Slate - OnPaint every tick, that would decrease my performance longer I play.

Below are 3 Print Screen of the Statistics Results (Default Side Scrolling Project). One from the beginning, one from the middle and one from the end of the game session.

Thanks for the help!