Server isn't receiving client actions

So, I made a simple function that consists in changing a text in an actor. When the server change the text, the client receives it. But the server don’t receives the change if the client changes it. The client does not replicate to server.

That’s it. Thank you all!


This happens because you don’t tell the server to change the Text. In a Listen Server Setup, the Client has no rights to change anything but its own variables, which won’t replicate. This helps against cheaters.

What you are currently doing is:

Pressing F → If i am a server, then call this function on every client version of this BP → Set Text on every client.

If a client presses F, nothing will happen. Try adding the following:

Right after “F”, search and create the node “Switch has Authority”. You will have an “Authority” and a “Remote” exec. First one will only run on the server, second one on clients. Put the “TextChange” behind “Authority”.

Now create a new CustomEvent. Set it to Replicate “Run on Server”. Put this behind the “Remote” exec of the Switch node. Now let the Red Version of this new Custom Event, also call the “TextChange” function.

So the Client Presses F → it tells the Server to run TextChange with the new Event → Server will call the Multicast.