Hi All,
To explain what I’m doing and asking in the simplest way possible:
I’m trying to retain the camera controls of the default new level Player Start object, i.e. to be able to move the camera around with AWSD,
But I also want to send other input commands to another Blueprint. Right now this is an animation blueprint but I’m happy to make it a Pawn if necessary.
Right now my input commands are keyboard inputs (They’re actually going to be OSC/Midi data from another piece of software, but I don’t think that’s relevant here),
And I have all these input commands working inside the Level Blueprint. This has been brilliant for me because my player start camera controls are working perfectly and my animation blueprint receives all the commands I built in the level Blueprint, but I’ve heard and I can imagine this is a bit limiting to have all my inputs in the Level Blueprint. What if I want to switch all my commands?
So the crux of my question is how can I retain the camera controls that are built into the Player Start and send additional inputs to another Animation Blueprint in the scene/or Pawn - without using the Level Blueprint.
Unfortunately I realize there may be many answers to this question, but any help is appreciated. I’ve done some experimenting and created a Pawn with my Animation Blueprint inside that I’m sending input to, but this of course led to a loss of camera control and it put my mesh inside the animation blueprint right on top of me when I took control of the Pawn.
I’m an artist and a performer working on some performance based visuals. I don’t need a lot of flexibility and I don’t have any of the needs of a game designer.
thanks for any help or pointers or advise.