Search properties/values/types in Data-only blueprints?

Is it possible to search for values/property names etc. in data-only blueprints?

When I use the “Window/Find in Blueprints” search, it seems to only search the nodes of “real”, graphical blueprints, is that correct?

Also more specific, I am trying to find all usages of a certain subclass in all assets. For example, lets say I have a class

UCLASS(Blueprintable, EditInlineNew)
class UMyScriptAction : public UObject

and a bunch of subclasses like

UCLASS() class UMyActionSomethingCool : public UMyScriptAction { ... }
UCLASS() class UMyActionEvenCoolerStuff : public UMyScriptAction { ... }
UCLASS() class UMyActionTotallyAwesome : public UMyScriptAction { ... }

and then later use that as property in lots of other classes, for example like:

TArray<TSubclassOf<class UMyScriptAction>> Script;

UMyScriptAction* FinishScriptAction;

Now I want to search through all assets, all properties of the usage of one specific sub-class, e.g. “Which data-only blueprint uses UMyActionTotallyAwesome?”

Greetings, Imi