I am quite new to unreal (working with unity before) trying to figure out technical issues of my first video project. I have built an environment out of megascan assets and private scans (made with scanniverse). When I add lights, all assets looks great beside some particular places on the scanned models (low-poly and edgy look- like on picture). I assume it is a shadowing issue (when I put the texture in unlit all is good, just lit looks edgy). I have thought no clue where to fix it- in light settings, texture issues or project settings? If this helps I work on unreal engine 5, cinematics layout, scans are made with scanniverse, objs exported through blender, textures not reworked (straight from scanniverse software). All other unreal settings are left in default as I am still new to the software.
I would very much appreciate your help! Struggling with this since some days.