Scaling Spline Mesh Components based on Spline Point Scaling

Essentially, I have a spline that procedurally creates meshes along it depending on the length of the spline, etc.
The usual stuff.
What I want to know is if its possible to scale the individual SplineMeshComponent’s that I am adding along the spline, on a per spline point basis.

So for simplicity sake, lets say you have a spline with 3 points, and there will be 1 mesh component created per spline point.
I want to be able to scale the mesh component relative to the scaling of the selected spline point.

So if I scale point 2(green) in the spline, I scale mesh 2(yellow) on the spline.
(P.S. spline point 0 [start of any spline] omitted for simplicity sake)
(P.P.S. Feel free to comment on my artistic masterpiece)

I know how to get the component / spline point I want by index.
What I don’t know is how to actually scale the mesh component using the spline point yet.

Does anyone have any ideas?

All due respect, this idea like it could create a lot of issues. But if you already have a way of to get your desired spline point the rest should be really simple. Just get the scale of it and add it to your mesh and then however you find your section length just add to that.

Sorry, I unfortunately didn’t receive a notification so I completely missed this, but thanks for the reply.

I can imagine this can create some issues, but personally I just want to create a more flexible spline system that allows whoever uses it to dynamically adjust ‘parts’ of the spline.

As an example, have a river, parts of the river need to be wider or more narrow.
Or have a road for an arcade race track that spirals (which is rotation but easy enough going by the same example).

But going back to the issues that this can cause, it is because of those that I wanted to ask in the community, essentially, scaling / rotating, if done individually, will cause the meshes to be disconnected looking.

Is there a way to connect the start/end points from one to the next?
Let me know if that doesn’t make much sense and ill give a bit clearer of an example of what I mean, short on time right now.