Scale fade for Procedural Folliage

Do we able setup scale/size fade for seeds close to the procedutal volume border as on my screenshoot?

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Your post is very vague so it isn’t really that easy to understand what you want.

You can use shaders or settings to fade out foliage.

Hello Elias, Sorry, I’ll try explain more detail. So I want to control physical scale of the foliage which growth close to the growth edges.

If you imagine circle which contain grass inside, i want to make scale of grass close to center of the circle larger and size of grass close to the outer edge respectively smaller.

I’ve come from Houdini world and there we can control it easy with pscale attributes, which we i can calculate and remap as i want.

Inside UE it’s not obvious for me how i can do the same thing. I’ve tried to google information, but didn’t find any advanced techniques for it. If you have some bookmarks which can explain this topic, that would bi nice if you can share it with me.


Welcome to the Unreal Engine forums @binar01010!

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