I have a problem that I guess it can be solved real quick but still I can´t find a solution.
I´m using some static mesh that I got for free in some internet pages, so I want to add them in my Unreal game, by drag and drop inside my content folder.
Everything seems ok, except for this message that says something like ““Warning: The imported mesh is very small. This is most likely an issue with the units used when exporting to FBX”” and because of this, my imported mesh looks like super tiny.
Is there a way to avoid this while importing? For me for some reasson I believe that the solution can´t be to set the scale on my blueprint to a gigantic number, it should be another way.
Yup, I changed it to 5, 10, 100 and still. The message is: “Warning: The imported mesh is very small. This is most likely an issue with the units used when exporting to FBX”
Actually the solution was to click another property called “Combine meshes”.
It seems that if the mesh contains multiple meshes inside, if you import them separated, will break like this.
But if you keep it “Combined” will be imported in the right size.