Update4: Problem Solved: I remade the entire static mesh asset from scratch in 3ds max, exported it as FBX and imported it and this time it worked fine Again the offending FBX is on drop box in case you want to take a look at why it would cause Rocket to have a conniption and keep resetting the material to default material every time I save/exit/reload editor, behavior only occurs with just that one static mesh asset.
Update3: Actually it has nothing to do with Cascade, if I import this one static mesh asset and apply a material, and then save quit and reload, it loses its material even if it is not used in cascade. I’ve uploaded the FBX file in question for your perusal.
Update2: I was not able to reproduce the issue using a different static mesh, but the static mesh in question is on drop box for your perusal
Update: Reproducing Error With Just The Single Static Mesh Asset
I am having a very easy time reproducing this bug with my specific static mesh asset.
I’ve uploaded the exact static mesh asset to Drop Box separately from the .rar file if you wish to narrow down the issue.
Reproducing issue with my uploaded static mesh asset:
- make a new particle system
- assign material of your choosing to the static mesh asset. ( I’ve tried several materials it doesnt seem to matter which I choose
- in the new particle system, make a meshdata for your module and assign the mesh
- everything will look fine, static mesh will have correct material and do whatever your module wants it to do
save, quit, and reload editor
and now
the actual static mesh has had its material changed to editor material, and in cascade this is what you see, your mesh particle is using editor material again.
Why is Cascade changing the actual mesh asset’s material??
this does not happen unless I am using the static mesh with cascade as mesh data
Again I’ve verified this is reproduceable several times now
Original Message, including whole set of assets as a Drop Box Download
Dear Friends at Epic,
I am trying very hard to make my mesh particle effect, and Cascade keeps undoing the mesh’s material every time I save, quit, and reload The material is being changed in both cascade and the actual mesh asset itself that is being used as a mesh particle.
The proper mesh material that has particle color expression used, and the material works fine on two of the mesh particles in the entire particle system.
But for the other two mesh particles, the proper material keeps getting replaced with the default editor material, making it impossible for me to complete my particle effect.
correct, and looks fine in editor and cascade
after exiting and reloading Rocket editor:
I’ve deleted the static mesh and reimported it from FBX twice now, and the effect is the same.
When I removed the old mesh from the cascade mesh data, then the original material was restored to the actual mesh asset.
When the mesh asset is being used with cascade, and I save quit and reload editor, the actual mesh asset itself has its material switched to default texture, Cascade is editing the actual mesh asset’s material.
I tried making a new mesh particle and I get the same behavior
the odd thing is that two of the mesh particles using the same exact material do work correctly
but for all my efforts I cannot get all 4 mesh particles to use the material and it’s halting my game development
My project assets uploaded to Drop Box
Nathan Lyer / mesh particle issue .rar
I’ve uploaded a .rar containing all the necessary files
I rearranged the particle so all assets come from same directory as particle, so hopefully everything should load for you folks
it will look like it is working if you manually set the material in the cascade or on the mesh itself
cascade will indeed look correct
but then
- save
- exit
- reload editor
and then reload the asset and if your build is same as mine the outer swirls will be using default material again
I know the material itself works because the two mesh particles in the center work fine
please let me know the work around for this so I can finish my particle