Runtime error when, run DebugGame from Visual Studio

I recently added some C++ Classes to my project, it’s from the launcher and was a Blueprint only project. It is version 4.4.1.

I can compile. If I run DebugGame Editor, the Editor opens fine and I see my changes. But, if I run DebugGame I get this runtime error as it’s starting.

CatSniper-Win64-DebugGame.exe!ConstructorHelpersInternal::FindOrLoadObject(FString & PathName) Line 31 C++

ConstructorHelpers.h line 31

T* ObjectPtr = Cast(StaticLoadObject(T::StaticClass(), NULL, *PathName));

  •   PathName	L"/Engine/EngineDamageTypes/DmgTypeBP_Environmental.DmgTypeBP_Environmental_C"	FString &

DebugGame like just plain “Development” is meant to be used with cooked data. So it’s trying to find the cooked data and failing. You want to use DebugGame Editor with the -game command line option unless you’re trying to cook.

Thanks for the answer, makes sense