Run dedicated server Console on the editor

Hello again UE4 community

Im working with ue dedicated servers and i want to show the server console when testing on the editor. Someone know any way to do that?

Thanks again, Demian!

Seriously? 3 days and no answer? I’m having exactly the same issue, we can’t be the only ones with this issue.
If I run my game in editor with “Run dedicated server” activated as you can see no dedicated server console log is shown.
However, if I run my game in editor with this config: then the server console is opened BUT steamworks api just stops working.
How are we supposed to debug our dedicated server if we can’t get a log window?

add “-log” to as a command line argument. ?

That will open the client log window, not the server one.

I’m not completely sure about the logging issue. As far as I know there is only one log output destination, mirrored in various places in the editor (debug window in editor frame and the actual DOS console window like -log). The logs are interlaced there.
I don’t think we have a feature where we can have multiple “logs” open, one for each client/server. That would be useful, but I don’t know about any tasks/plans for that.

The Steam issue you are experiencing is by design, but you can change it with caveats.

Steam by default is disabled in the editor, because to use the API every time the editor launches meant the annoying Steam client toast would appear for every developer in the company telling everyone on their friends lists that they were “In Game”. The editor executable and all commandlets would generate this message. I disabled Steam when launching the editor before PIE became the bigger thing it is today.

If you really want to disable this, you can do so in OnlineSubsystemSteam.cpp :

		if (bEnableSteam)
			bEnableSteam = IsRunningDedicatedServer() || IsRunningGame();

However, and this is a big caveat that probably makes this pointless. Steam only handles one login per Steam client instance. To run multiple Steam client instances is dangerous and something I just flat out won’t do anymore. The editor runs “dedicated server” as a spoofed dedicated server which doesn’t conform to Valve’s “headless, standalone” model that uses the extra DLLs (tier0.dll, etc). So you effectively need a SteamId for the server and one for each client. Which would violate the “Steam client doesn’t handle multiple logins”.

You can run OnlineSubsystemNull in the editor and get the LAN matchmaking features, but obviously none of the friends/achievements/etc features since NULL only provides stubs.

The Steam workflow with PIE is pretty much unsupported or otherwise not possible.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for all this wonderful info Josh!

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