RPC calls into UObjects losing Authority?

Each time I start to think I finally have UE Networking figured out, I’m swiftly reminded otherwise.

To keep things simple, I have a replicated actor that contains an inventory system that is based on a UObject. In the BeginPlay() method of the Actor, I create the InventorySystem inside of HasAuthority()

void ALootableActor::BeginPlay()

	if (HasAuthority() && LootTable)
		// Test inventory
		Inventory = NewObject<UInventorySystem>(this);

The above code creates the inventory and replicates it correctly to all other clients.

Inside of a Widget Blueprint, when the user moves an item within the same inventory, I call my Character’s MoveItemSameInventory() function. I do this because I have read that I am unable to use RPC from inside UObjects, so I do it here, ensure I am on the server, then call into my UInventorySystem::MoveItem()

void ANoNameCharacter::MoveItemSameInventory(UItem* SourceItem, UItem* EmptyItem)
	// running here because we can't call rpc from uobject (inventorysystem)
	if(!HasAuthority() && SourceItem && EmptyItem)
		ServerMoveItemSameInventory(SourceItem, EmptyItem); 

	if(HasAuthority() && SourceItem && EmptyItem)
		SourceItem->OwningInventory->MoveItem(SourceItem, EmptyItem);

However, inventory changes made within UInventorySystem::MoveItem() are only modified for the current Client.

For debugging within my UInventorySystem::MoveItem() I traverse up the tree to find the Owning Actor so that I can add logging statements to see if I am on the Client or Server. It is ALWAYS reporting back as if the code is running on the client - even though I am clearly calling into the function from the Server on my Character.

void UInventorySystem::MoveItem(UItem* Item, UItem* EmptyItem)
	// should only be called from server	
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("SERVER"))
        // Never makes it here
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("CLIENT"))
        // Always makes it here

       // other inventory logic here that needs to be run with Authority...

Notice that GetOwner() inside of my UObject above is created by me. It simply finds the outer Actor and returns it. I have confirmed this is the owning actor I was expecting to see.

What am I missing?

Well, as usual I somehow make things more complicated than I need to. It turn out that inside one of my Widgets, instead of calling the Character’s MoveItemSameInventory() function, I was still calling the old MoveItem function inside my Inventory. That’s why it was only working on the client. :roll_eyes:

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