Hello. I am trying to solve an issue in where I need to slowly/smoothly rotate an actor that is traveling along a spline to be perpendicular. I have it somewhat solved but I only want to rotate around the Z axes as it travels along the spline. Here is exactly what I am trying to accomplish: A auto-pilot drone actor is flying along a spline when it gets to its building to “scan” it circles the building but I need the drone to rotate around the center. I used a Find Look at Rotation however the drone tilts in the XY axis as well which is not what I want as the drone at times appears to be flying nose down along the spline which is not natural flight. I simply want to rotate Z towards the center. I have also tried combining break rotator to isolate Z as well as Make Rot from Z but again nothing is working as I desire. I settle for this and then work on rotating actor slowly so it doesnt just “jump” into the rotation.
TIA for any help!