That would be useful when playing in editor.
Like when we had the F4 key in UDK.
That would be useful when playing in editor.
Like when we had the F4 key in UDK.
Hi Jefferson,
Thank you for your feedback. There does not seem to be any private information posted in your question. Would it be alright if I changed this post to a public question so that other users could benefit from the answer? Also, I am assuming you mean to use this for debugging purposes since you are trying to use in in the editor, but if you wish to use it as a game function, please let me know and I will be happy to further assist.
There is an easy solution to keybind PlayersOnly to F4. Start by going to your \Rocket\MyProject\Config\ folder and opening the DeafultInput.ini file (The blank project does not have this by default and it will have to be created). In the DefaultInput file, add this line under [/Script/Engine.PlayerInput]:
This will allow you to use the function for debugging in the game by pressing F4. Please let me know if this has helped with the issue.
Thank you,
Certainly (I already did so). I checked private because I thought there wasn’t a solution other than updating it in new Rocket versions. Thanks for the answer!
Hmm, actually, it’s not working for some reason. It could be related with this issue
Posting my text
Hi Jefferson,
Based on the log you have given me I can see that it may be the case that you are experiencing the same issue. The error has since been resolved in our main branch and will be implemented into a future release. Until then, you may be able to remove unused bindings to go below the limit. Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with.