While working on a few VR projects I’ve come across a need to handle certain scenarios again and again so I’ve modified the HMDFunctionLibrary. However, the less changes I make to the engine, the better for my coworkers. So I’m wondering if it’s possible to add these following checks in a way where it’s accessible in blueprints without rewriting parts of the engine? If it isn’t, would it be possible to get these added in an official engine build?
DetectHMD: Simply returns GEngine->HMDDevice.IsValid(); to determine if an HMD is detected.
While I think this is handled by IsHeadMountedDisplayEnabled() in most cases, that would return false if head tracking is disabled. I’m not sure what this would mean for GearVR, which doesn’t even have head tracking. This might just be me being cautious but I didn’t want to worry about the HeadTracking being enabled as well.
DetectHSW If the Health & Safety Warning is displayed then return true, otherwise return false.
This one is much more Oculus specific but I find it important to make sure that nothing is rendered while the Health and Safety Warning. I can’t just delay the splash screens by a set time since the user can press a button and be stuck in a black void until the hard coded timer for the HSW to disappear ends.