Hi, I have been creating a Macro Library of commonly used Macros. I use these in many blueprints. One thing I have noticed is, any time I delete a Macro from my Macro Library, it does not prompt me with a dialog box asking “Delete? Yes/No”.
This seems like it could be a problem if at any time, I accidentally delete a Macro that I’ve used extensively throughout multiple blueprints, as it could be deleted with no recourse, especially if I’m not made aware of it until later, when several things have broke and I’m left trying to figure out what went wrong.
A simple prompt asking for deletion could prevent a lot of headache.
Moreover, it would be nice if Macro Libraries knew when other blueprints are referencing individual macros so that the editor could say something like, “This macro has X number of references, are you sure you want to delete?” Etc etc.