[Repost] Recompute Model Render Data/File Save Failure

Apologies for the thread deletion/re-post. I thought I figured out the problem but I am back here…
My office just changed the location of the server where all of my reality capture projects are saved so I have to open and re-connect all my imagery/lidar to each project. I am having an issue where some of my models within a component will recompute fine while others will error by saying “Path Not Found [0x5035]”. I am also getting Processing Failed [0x15] errors as well. I cannot save the project… My cache is saved locally and I have not deleted anything from it as far as I know.
Is there any way of reconnecting so I can recompute all the model render data?

Thank you!


Please share your solution - could be useful for others in the future :slight_smile: