Reporting concerning My Marketplace Asset that was reviewed falsely

Hi Guys,
I recently submitted my asset “Sci-fi Arsenal Vol 3.1” to the marketplace for review and it was flagged for “changes Needed” I have done everything they have requested but they still want me to remove an asset in the pack that they feel is unusable which I verified it was not true.

Just because I exempted the bow from having a blueprint class does not mean it is entirely useless I did that because it was having programming bugs as he/she Indicated. so to avoid further complexity I decided to remove the blueprint class for the bow since I don’t really know the intent of use by the customer. This same bow still has an Animation blueprint, SFX, Textures, Material, Skeletal Mesh, and Control rig which the customer can still use for the development of their games.

Please This is not fair at all, The Reviewer wrote I should completely remove the bow and everything related to the bow. I have done every correction he/she said I should do now he/she is saying I should remove an asset completely. Why?

This is a deliberate attempt to devalue my pack. whereas it has so many features in it. Am I being targeted or what is the reason for such frustration?

Please guys can you look at this issue and please help me with a way out. Thanks a lot
I am trying to see how can escalate this to a higher authority in the Unreal Marketplace Team.