Render Widget on an actor near to the player

We want to create a “handheld menu” so the player can use a tablet or something to get access to some functions.
we created an image in high res and added it as texture and it is rendered well while shrinking. even looks kinda sharp

now we try to add a widget to that actor and we are facing a lot of sizing issues…
i tested to add just one letter to a widget and redered that onto the hanbdheld but it was really really bad.
So I’m wondering how the texture is rendered so nice while we need to render the widget on screen to get even a usable interface.

I already tried a scale box and that was the only way i could even see one letter in a horrible way.

On the image you can see the widget which is displaying a red 2 within a scale box. IN the background you can see a bit of thetexture rendered on the actor