render stars behind SkyAtmosphere sun

I have a sphere with a star material applied and I’m using SkyAtmosphere on a planet. How do I get the stars to render in the background so that the sun becomes visible?

you eould have to make the skyathmosphere mesh/material transparent.
don’t they offer a built in way to add stars?

It’s the new SkyAtmosphere system which forms a sphere around a planet. So when I’m in space I’m looking at the atmosphere from the outside and the sun looks to be at maximum depth. It’s this system here …

It was explained in the “from ants to outerspace” video.
you jeed to create a sky dome mesh and apply a skysphere material to it. Then you can set up the material to do whatever, including blending in the stars at night or fading out.

Would be really nice to have a star map from NASA be integrated with sky atmosphere and have it physically correct like the sun positioning. And moon.

Thanks. I used his pixel depth method to do it.